Breeding calculator 1.7.0 [Показать на русском]

GTNH version, Number of crops: 156

Chance to get target crop

(the number to the right is the crop tier)

Possible parents: 93

Acacia Bonsai59.59 %1Tree Bonsai Leavy
Birch Bonsai2.97 %1Tree Bonsai Leavy
Jungle Bonsai2.97 %1Tree Bonsai Leavy
Spruce Bonsai2.97 %1Tree Bonsai Leavy
Dark Oak Bonsai2.96 %1Tree Bonsai Leavy Dark
Oak Bonsai2.49 %1Tree Bonsai Leavy Food
Salty Root0.94 %4Salt Gray Root Hydrophobic
reed0.87 %2Reed
Black Stonelilly0.8 %1Black Stone Dark
Gray Stonelilly0.79 %1Gray Stone Metal
Yellow Stonelilly0.78 %1Yellow Stone Alien
White Stonelilly0.78 %1White Stone Shiny
Red Stonelilly0.78 %1Red Stone Fire
Nether Stonelilly0.76 %1Nether Stone Evil
Eyebulb0.74 %1Nether Evil Bad
pumpkin0.74 %1Orange Decoration Stem
Vines0.69 %2Green Tendrilly
Hemp0.69 %2Green Soil Orange
Waterlilly0.68 %2Blue Water Green
Cactus0.63 %3Green Cactus
Grass0.62 %0Green Bad
Glowflower0.62 %3Nether Light Shiny
stickreed0.62 %4Reed Resin
Ivy0.62 %2Green Tendrilly Flower Bad Poison
Moss0.61 %4Green Climbable
Thornvines0.6 %3Nether Climbable Bad
Glint Weed0.6 %4Orange Flower Magic
Flax0.59 %2Silk Tendrilly Addictive
Flowering Vines0.59 %3Green Tendrilly Flower
Onion0.57 %4Food Brown
Olivia0.57 %2Crystal Shiny Processing Olivine
Grape0.56 %4Food Purple
Lemon0.56 %4Food Yellow Sour
Rape0.56 %4Food Yellow Oil
Chilly0.56 %4Food Red Spicy
Tomato0.56 %4Food Red
Artichoke0.55 %4Flower Water Blue Ingredient
Brown Mushrooms0.55 %1Food Mushroom Ingredient
Garlic0.54 %3Food Ingredient Healing
weed0.54 %0Weed Bad
Cucumber0.54 %4Food Green
Snowbell0.54 %4White Flower Ice Toxic Ingredient
Belladonna0.53 %4Purple Flower Toxic Ingredient
Wolf's Bane0.53 %4Flower Toxic Purple Ingredient
Saguaro Cactus0.53 %4Green Food Cactus
Mandragora0.52 %4Flower Magic Bad Toxic Ingredient
Goldfish Plant0.51 %4Nether Fish Food Bad Water
Tea0.5 %4Food Green Ingredient
melon0.48 %2Green Food Stem
Indigo0.46 %2Flower Blue Ingredient
Red Mushrooms0.46 %1Toxic Mushroom Ingredient
Sapphirum0.38 %4Crystal Shiny Metal Sapphire
wheat0.37 %1Yellow Food Wheat
carrots0.35 %2Orange Food Carrots
Wild Carrots0.35 %2Food White Carrots
Turnip0.35 %2Food Purple Carrots
potato0.35 %2Yellow Food Potato
blackthorn0.34 %2Black Flower Rose
Tin Oreberry0.34 %4OreBerry Tin Metal Shiny
cyazint0.34 %2Blue Flower
dandelion0.34 %2Yellow Flower
tulip0.33 %2Purple Flower Tulip
rose0.33 %2Red Flower Rose
Barley0.33 %2Green Food Wheat
Sugar Beet0.29 %4Food White Ingredient
Papyrus0.28 %5White Paper
Blackberry0.28 %2Berry Food Black
Shimmerleaf0.28 %5Magic Silver Toxic
plumbiscus0.28 %6Dense Leaves Metal
Huckleberry0.28 %2Berry Food Purple Leaves
Blueberry0.28 %2Berry Food Blue
Maloberry0.28 %2Berry Food Yellow
Cinderpearl0.28 %5Magic Blaze Nether
Raspberry0.28 %2Berry Food Red
Strawberry0.28 %2Berry Food Red
ferru0.27 %6Gray Leaves Metal
cyprium0.27 %6Orange Leaves Metal
Glowing Earth Coral0.27 %5Water Light Shiny
stagnium0.26 %6Shiny Leaves Metal
cocoa0.26 %3Brown Food Stem
Berry0.26 %2Berry Food Red Ingredient
Blue Glowshroom0.23 %3Food Mushroom Ingredient Nether
Glowshroom0.23 %3Food Mushroom Ingredient Nether
Green Glowshroom0.23 %3Food Mushroom Ingredient Nether
Purple Glowshroom0.23 %3Food Mushroom Ingredient Nether
Milkwart0.19 %6Food Milk Cow
brownMushroom0.12 %2Brown Food Mushroom
redMushroom0.12 %2Red Food Mushroom
redwheat0.11 %6Red Redstone Wheat
Spanish Moss0.09 %7Green Climbable Magic
hops0.09 %5Green Ingredient Wheat
Coppon0.09 %6Shiny Metal Cotton Copper Bush
Ember Moss0.09 %7Fire Ingredient Bad Climbable

Calculate selected crops mutations